Transforming Leaders into
Leadership for the 21st Century
Phillip G. Clampitt, Hendrickson Professor of Business, University of Wisconsin -- Green Bay
Robert J. DeKoch, President & COO, The Boldt Company
How is this book different from other leadership books?
Progress focused
Go to your favorite search engine and enter the word “leadership”. You will find thousands of books and articles. But if you enter the terms “leadership” and “progress” together you will discover relatively few titles compared to your first search. For the moment, put aside this admittedly crude research technique. Aren’t these results a bit odd? Aren’t leaders supposed to make progress? Progress should be at the center of any discussion of leadership. Yet relatively few leadership experts devote much attention to the issue.
Insight driven
Many works on leadership are based on either original research or reflections of those in leadership positions. Both are valuable. Yet, few authors seek to integrate the two and glean actionable insights. In fact, our first book on leadership, Embracing Uncertainty, might be classified as research driven. While many leaders found value in our research, they will find even more value in insights that integrate leadership literature, original research, and reflections of successful leaders.
Action oriented
The core insights led to the development of 7 specific strategies and related tactics that leaders can use to move their organizations forward. The strategies and tactics suggest specific action items that almost any leader can implement in short order.