Transforming Leaders into
Leadership for the 21st Century
Phillip G. Clampitt, Hendrickson Professor of Business, University of Wisconsin -- Green Bay
Robert J. DeKoch, President & COO, The Boldt Company
When did the ideas for this book first emerge?
During the late 1990’s we discovered on an underlying issue that vexed many leaders. Namely, how do leaders effectively manage uncertainty? While some thought leaders and scholars examined this issue, we were surprised to discover there were many concerns left unresolved. In some instances, we felt the literature was misleading. For example, some authors argued that the leader’s role was to suppress uncertainty. We believed this argument was short-sighted. Our response to these concerns? Conduct a series of research studies with Professor M. Lee Williams (Texas State University) about the management of uncertainty. Our research revealed that employees who work for organizations that embrace uncertainty tend to be:
More satisfied with their job
More committed to their organizations
Less cynical about organizational life
More likely to identify with the organization
These tendencies occurred even when employees themselves did not fully embrace uncertainty. Therein emerges the executive’s challenge: to create and sustain an organizational climate that welcomes, utilizes, and exploits uncertainty.

The research led to a book, Embracing Uncertainty: The Essence of Leadership. In the book we discussed the benefits of embracing uncertainty and dangers of creating artificial certainty. We also revealed how to create an uncertainty-embracing organizational culture. Transforming Leaders into Progress Makers is the logical extension and new platform of Embracing Uncertainty.